Sometimes, life brings you exactly what you want and didn't know you needed. Farmfulness was born and gifted to me from a dear friend.  My name is Nicole. I am a mother, a daughter, a teacher, a serious meditator, a lover of many spiritual teachers and teachings.  A number of years ago, I sat my first silent meditation retreat.  The silence brought an ease that I longed for but didn't know I needed. A giant call to know the internal workings of heart and mind was born and continues to be cultivated. 
Most recently, my path has guided me to purchase a beautiful farm.  The land has been organically and anthroposophically cared for over 40 years.   
 I will share my observations about nature and life and love and friends and raising teenagers and teaching youth and farm life here on Farmfulness.
 While I am continuously learning, what I know for sure is that this journey has all been up to me the whole time.  And by rocking my ruby red slippers, and surrounding myself with the right Tin Man, Lion, and Scarecrows . . . most days, my golden brick road is full of sunshine and light.
Most recently, I am pondering how to share what I know about meditation with you... Meditation on this humble farm feels close and within reach...  
Let us see what unfolds.  
Yours truly, 
Nicole Zaloumis O'Reilly