Turning shit to treasure.

The story of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding of Cana is ripe with symbolism.  While I mean no disrespect as the stories of Jesus inspire me, today I pondered this story with a bit of humor.  

My story, although, is called turning shit to treasure.  Chicken shit that is... 

Our hardship can be and is often rich with nuggets with learning. Today reminded me of this. It was a right of passage of sorts.  This morning, I cleaned the coop.   Armed with a ventilator mask, two shovels, and a tarp, I completed a task I'd been dreading for months. Dan, my friend and mentor, and the former owner of this land, was on-site guiding me.  He explained how the waste and feathers created the richest compost and was not to be wasted.  Compost is likened to the fountain of youth to our fam soil, I suppose.   As I shoveled wood shavings weighted with feathers and chicken waste, a family of mice looked over the rafters.   Their presence made me smile as nature always is full of surprises.  You're not normal, I thought to myself.  Who does this... and then I thought... turning shit to gold... of course... the perfect metaphor for life.   I do this for the love of the land.  The land is rich with symbolism and brilliance.  I have much to learn. 

Jesus turned water to wine. We observe the lotus growing from the mud.   Most recently, we learn chicken shit turns to treasure.  The moral of this story is to keep going even if times feel challenging.  Believe in yourself and your ability to find the patience needed to turn shit to gold.